The goal of the Cultural Bridge Project is to help non-indigenous musicians learn more about the native music of a particular region, including its history, cultural context, rhythm, scales, instrumentation, and even instrument construction. This learning will be immersive and hands-on and will be provided through both formal and informal opportunities.
Informally, you'll be enjoying nights out listening to live music in the cafes, bars, and music venues that are part of the vibrant cultural landscape. We will have the chance to hang out and jam with local musicians during breaks in the workshop schedule or at one of our late night music parties. Musicians who are providing formal instruction or performing earlier in the evening will be sharing in the celebration of making music.
For the Guatemala trip, the focus will be on exposure to and learning the fundamentals of Andean and Latin American folk music, including traditional Mayan music. Those who play an instrument at an intermediate level, have some experience playing music with others, and play acoustic guitar, bass, percussion, or any of a variety of melody instruments will benefit most from these workshops. Those focused on singing will also have the opportunity to learn traditional and popular folk songs and relevant singing styles. Beginners are certainly welcome as well as those who just have a passion for music!